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The Bittman Project

We've Moved to a New Home!

We've Moved to a New Home!

And we'd love to have you come by


Hello, friends!

We wanted to let you know that we’ve officially launched our own site, where we’ll be posting all of our content from now on. During this process, we’re moving to a brand new email provider and will be slowly adding each and every one of you to that list. Since the movement takes a bit of time, you may miss an email in your inbox this week or next. If you do, just go to our new site to take in the content — it’s all on there!

If you've been thinking about becoming a paid member, now's a great time to make it happen. We have a beautiful new recipe archive — it’s easily searchable and all the recipes allow you to go into “cook mode” (that is, your screen won’t go dark when you’re cooking from a recipe that’s on your computer) and keep your own (private) notes within (scroll down in any recipe and it will show "[your name]'s recipe notes"). Plus, we still have a ton of content to add, so what's now a database of almost 400 recipes will soon be thousands — and as a paid subscriber, you'll have access to all of them, plus all our essays, profiles, cooking tips, and opinions.

We're running a special promotion: The first 30 people who become paid annual subscribers will receive a signed copy of one of Mark's books. All you have to do is subscribe for an annual plan, then send us an email with your receipt and mailing address.

Thanks for reading! We hope to welcome you over. And if you have any questions at all, please email us: And remember to make sure to let your email provider (Gmail, Yahoo, etc.) know that you love our emails by opening them and marking them as important. Additionally, if you're a Gmail user, please make sure to move our emails out of your Promotions folder and into your Primary email so you don't miss them!


Mark and the Bittman Project team

Food Is


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500 5th Ave, 43rd Floor, New York, NY 10110

The Bittman Project

Bittman-certified recipes, reported pieces about the politics of food; and rants about what’s broken in the food world (there’s a lot) and how to change things for the better. As our motto says, “Food Is Everything,” and we want to bring you every aspect of it.

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